Colonel James Wood II Chapter Yearbook
You can find it on the table where you check in upon arrival. Its a brown book just sitting there. Its the handy, dandy recent edition of the Colonel James Wood, II Yearbook.
We don't put it online as it has a complete directory of the membership at the time of printing. But if you need to find someone's email, address or phone number quickly, its like that old thing kids don't know about called the phone book. But its much more than that.
Nestled in its pages are the lists of NSSAR, VASSAR and Chapter officers, committee lists and their chairmen, the Chapter Constitution and By-Laws, the list of Chapter Awards, members who have departed, meetings calendar and pledges, creeds and a Preamble to that mightiest of all documents The US Constitution.
Best of all, its FREE! So pick one up at your next meeting. Its the thing to do.